Explore a selectionof Sofia's poetry ...
A collection of poetry exploring how I feel the creative process works for me, transmission of impulse; which sounds magical while at the same time scientific. Neurotransmission is a series of poems that explores the human experience, specifically the ‘artist’s experience, from a macro standpoint and then zooms in on smaller and more grounded poems.
Moon of Pearl
Smooth surfaces or craters resembling a
Luna texture more than the soft skin of Venus.
But the surface houses an intergalactic soul.
Roam free across its planes, but keep in mind that the
Soul governs the surface so this Luna texture
Is a controlled way of showing her power within.
A two-horned goddess harnessing her strength
Fighting to be distinct in her own right
To govern the moon in all of its cycles
All of its various shades of completion
All of its craters and imperfections
Luna is illuminated, as it is, by Sol.
Pearlescent shell holding beauty
Birthing the woman, a woman birthed,
A woman that any woman could claim to be
If they were to bare all in the artistry that
Brought her to life to depict her;
Light of Caeser’s life, morning star.
Moon of Pearl 2
Morta arrivesfor Venus, a warning of what is to be
And Venus falls to her knees as a witness to
The people attempting to flee to the sea
The coast a place of safety governed by their goddess
Some stay at home, left alone and without faith
In their goddess who they believe has forsaken them.
Venus Physica Pompeiana, protector of Pompeii
Goddess of sea and trade,
To the people frozen in time, in eternal night.
As the ash falls on the city the people cry out
To their goddess for solace to stop
The falling debris.
Tides controlled by moons magnetic pull
Waves ridden by Luna on her chariot of two
While Sol rides ahead by four seasons,
A guide across the universe and skies.
Luna follows in this path
In the sun’s shadow.
Moon of Pearl 3
Venus a broken shell of loss
Looks to the heavens for a sign,
Her people grey as Luna
Who appears across the sky
The two witness one another’s pain
Their souls splitting
Luna looks to Sol who shrugs
Nothing can be done to save their shrubs, the people,
Or their town, Sol wants to continue towards the crown.
Luna stops and stares at Venus who is aware
That her people cannot be saved
But there are ways of making life again.
Venus rises from the ashes that encase her people
Again born from the sea stands a woman fully formed.
Luna looks on, pulls from Sol, rides her chariot away,
Turning the sky to night from what once was day.
The moonlit sky punctured by the orange
Vesuvius continues to produce.
Venus bathes in the waters off the shore
Ash ridden body turning
Back to its original glow, pearlescent.
Luna rides the waves of the sky
Alone in her chariot
Alongside her glowing crescent.
The moon sits in the sky
Strings of lights attach those
Planets. Lights better known as
Stars, tying together the universe.
Suspending the globes in silence
Unmoving and undisturbed
Sleeping soundly
Sat their soundly you drift in and out,
Of a sleep you fought hard against to begin
With, but now accept. I lie awake in bed
Fighting while you achieve the bliss of sleep.
I can tell there’s a flurry of activity in your mind
From the way your eyelids flutter now and then,
Mind buzzing with possibility, dreams come easily to you.
While I strain my eyes dark shadows becoming
Figures that haunted my nightmares (When I could sleep).
Jagged edges of dark thoughts puncture every
Hope of reaching that serenity that I feel
Radiating off you.
The grey glow disappears and the orange light
Fights its way through the curtain.
You open your eyes
“How did you sleep?”
Fluorescent lights
Stale air finds dreary minds
Using alcohol to clean inside
Their bodies intoxicated with
The feeling of letting go.
They chug their vodka discarding
The ice and lime-
No water and fruit for them.
Their bodies are all slick
With grime and they shine
In the lights that scan over their
Faces lit up pink, blue, green,
Embarrassed, sad, jealous,
We’ve seen them all
Before in many situations
But here we know
And they do too
As they cling to one another
And turn pink and blue.
Light cast by low winter sun
Means that what can be seen is
Altered, different images show through
Sheets of condensation covering
Windows so you can’t see.
Wipe clean and show that
Chains of silver necklaces are
Between the trees,
Linking them together,
And forming nets that could catch
Childhood dreams.
Coffee stain
I see a cold cup of coffee,
The logo of which stares me down,
Asking me to drink it all now,
While you’re sat there lecturing air
Your nose wrinkles as you read your book,
Furrowed brow scanning worn pages.
Shoulders bend as you hunch forward,
You speak with passion at nothing,
You’ve read it many times before
But you’d rather read it again
Instead of watching me clearly
Watching you.
More engaged in the book than me
You aren’t interesting either
Even though you claim to be
Much more interesting than I am
Reading doesn’t make up for
Your lack of character.
Coffee stain 2
I read your lines differently now
Because I know why they are there
Your eyes crinkle at the sides from
Squinting, not laughter of happy
Times, but rather getting lost in
A world that’s anything but this.
I didn’t know that last time we
Sat here, when you kept referencing
This damn book and lecturing me.
I don’t know why I’ve stuck around
But I would be within my rights,
To drown your book in my coffee.
Song of musings
We walk together and the
Rhythm of our footsteps echoes
Down the empty street as we talk to one another,
About what we just ate or the weather,
As tiny children get onto the school bus next to us-
And we walk into the corner shop to buy cigarettes,
I use my lighter to light yours and mine,
You block the wind with your hand and it
Blows the light out anyway, we-
Chalk it up to bad luck and make our way home,
Chatting about our mutual muse and the hats
All reporters seemed to wear in the past.
When the ocean brushes against the sand it doesn’t
Stop there, instead rushing up the pebbles
Wearing them down until they too become sand.
Sand mixed in with seashells and seaweed and
Sea creatures, some of whom wash onto shore,
Where you can see pieces of the sea.
Jellyfish on sand,
On land they are
Therefore no longer fish,
They no longer swim but
Sunbathe on hot sand.
There are logs on the shore,
Driftwood that has drifted.
The sea is freezing cold, as are the
Seagulls that swim, through the sky above,
They swim through air, without care
As fish do through water, and maybe we
Are more like fish because we can’t fly.
People walk at pace because they can’t
Stay in the wind long or it will blow them away.
Illuminating 2
The wind lifts everything to the sky
And the tower may catch your eye.
Pop of red on blue.
The blue of the sea and sky blends together,
Everything blurred except from that pop of red
Towering above the rest,
Seeming to puff out its chest.
The seaside is pretty
When it’s seen from the sea,
But behind those blue skies and
Towers and shops and dippers and
Donuts and candyfloss,
There are houses that are
Less brightly coloured.
Illuminating 3
Their houses are not painted,
Nobody towering above the rest.
People only see the blue,
Or grey, most days.
Not blue today, painted skies it would seem
Because most things seem grey.
Sometimes the streets are illuminated
With lights hanging for miles,
Guiding people along the seaside
Lighting up the shore.
Traditions are all well and good,
Behind, the houses are in the dark.
Rooms left in the dark to save on electricity.
Struggling to see what the point is,
In lights that light up a seashore,
Where nobody goes anymore.
Hope eternal
Lines intertwine and the
Gaps in between mean that
The world can be seen through
Cracks in the shell and a centre
That is visible through the layers.
These lines twist together to create
A world hopefully less twisted.
We are relying on fate to see
What’s beneath the surface.
Stepping through the portal
We see the hope of earth’s immortal
Life and our responsibility to excite our
Mind with possibility and hope
That one day the dream
Will become our reality.
Doorways to a world unoccupied minds fight to get to
Unlock opportunity in undiscovered universes only
Seen through your minds’ eye when it is closed.
The ideas drift around idyllic planes
But anything but plain they enamour the
Imagination most lost as a child and locked away.
Closed eyes see clearly the unseen vibrance of
A world left to rot and to be forgotten but
Cling to the memories of what once was.
Watering these roots they grow a new world
Earth’s destruction is on rewind
Blossoming backwards.
Façade 2
The eyes once opened see the world that was
A place of abundance and life and hope and
They cannot unsee what they have witnessed.
When eyes are wide open they are not shut
Urged only to open others minds; eyes
Reach out to pull in those who can’t envision.
Paper torn apart to collate pieces that tie
Together to create the entire image that
Inspired the artist to invent art.
Words created to capture the feeling that
Conveys concisely our unearthly universe
To the lonely critic who is unaware.
Façade 3
Pictures picked to present perceptions
Of what was perfection to the portrayer
A portrait of the lens nobody else sees.
Techniques chosen to tell true tales to
Eagerly listening toddlers or teachers
Tracing lines with timid fingertips.
Entertainers dream of horror,
Empathy, and understanding.
Disappear as the curtain falls,
Spellbound the audience let
Out an unknown breath,
Afraid of their reflection.
She isn’t beautiful but she’s more
Her heart and mind are pure.
You hesitate when she opens the door
But she is able and says that you’re
Carrying her bags which she thanks you for.
She loves you so she will savour
Your boring chatter about some obscure
Thing that she is unsure
About, because you will endure
That you need to reassure
Her due to people that made sure
That she could not see
Her own allure.
And you tell her, every day,
That she could do better but
She will say the fact you know that
Means you’re okay.
Performative passion
Symphonies can be sensory
Overloads like orchestras that
Orchestrate the downfall of a
Concerto concerned with keeping
Control of the chords kept from them
Fanfares announcing fans entering
The ensemble entertains them
Movement towards a melody less
Musical and more menacing
Measured revolution
Yet no resolution to the symphony
So the performers struggle towards
A dolce decrescendo that dulls minds
They hit the downbeat and beaten down
Look up to the crowd